Oh, Okay. Well this isn't exactly what I meant when I said "spice things up," but okay, let's do it.


Alexis: Well, maybe there's something I can do.
Adam: Nah, I said "recourse" not "intercourse."

Kirby: That's a terrible idea.
Sammy: Oh, said the genius who slept with Adam Carrington?

Liam, you and I have overcome so many insane obstacles. And by insane, I mean your mother.


Jeff: Did you really think you could Parent Trap me and Adam into liking each other?
Alexis: I don't know what that means.

I didn't know you had a streaming service. Or is this just your Netflix account? Which, by the way, stop changing your password.


Alexis is like a whack-a-mole game. You knock her down, she just pops up somewhere else. It's a waste of our time and our energy. So we just ignore her.


Cristal: It was you, you killed Mark.
Alexis: I was aiming for you, you bitch. And I'm sorry I missed.

Adam: Uh, that might be easier said than done. They all seem a little incestuous.
Fallon: Oh wow, coming from you, that's problematic.

Adam: The ceremony? Is it like a barbecue?
Fallon: I don't know. Let's hope they're serving pork ribs and not handmaid's tale.

That, my dear, is baby eel. It's considered endangered globally but not in my house.


This is it, my one shot at keeping my father from wearing a onesie for the rest of his life.


Dynasty Season 3 Quotes

Blake: If we don't take care of this, the only place you're going to be working in is prison. As a prisoner.
Anders: Yes, sir. I got your meaning.

You're responsible for Mack too? How many bodies are in that lake?
