Roberta: You still love her.
Bode: All I want for Gabriela is happiness. Even if that means keeping my distance and my mouth shut. Maybe you should consider doing the same.
Roberta: I can see why she likes you so much.
Bode: Liked. It's over.
Roberta: You know, I thought Gabbi and I were done too. When one day, I received a phone call. So. Nothing's over 'til it's over.

Vince: What?
Gabriela: I need more information than fine. Have you had any other symptoms besides tremors?
Vince: No. I got every test they had at the hospital. And they released me. So I don't need you to be my FitBit, 'kay?
Gabriela: That's the price of secrecy. You have to tell me everything.

Roberta: Gabbi, I'm not even apologizing. I know it's too late for that. But I just want to tell you that the only thing that I would change is just knowing you better. But Bode? He knows you.
Gabriela: Did you talk to Bode?
Roberta: I mean, I talked to everyone.
Gabriela: Mom.
Roberta: Gabi, Bode was just doing what he thought was best for you. And he didn't want to hurt you any more than I did.
Gabriels: Why? Why? Why are you telling me this?
Roberta: Because you're about to make a choice. A choice you have to live with for a long time. Choose wisely. Learn from my mistakes.

Gabriela: How dare you threaten me like that.
Vince: Bode's going to get out in little more than a year. And I just want to fight fires with my son. I know you know what it's like to wait for Bode. I mean, you did at one time. My pulse is normal and the tremor's getting better, too. Any more symptoms, I'll go straight to the ER. Promise. Just give me a little more time. 'Kay? For me and for Bode.

Governor: I'm sorry. You are again?
Luke: Uh, Sharon's part of our 42 crew. Her husband is Batallion Chief Leone.
Sharon: I know Joe Blanchard and everyone in NorCal because, for 15 years, I had Luke's job.
Governor: Impressive.

Prison guard: Back to the barracks for a headcount. Let's move.
Eve: Hey. Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you taking them?
Guard: I'm locking them up. There's a lot of activity and a lot of civilians. Too many opportunities. This is protocol. Non-negotiable.
Eve: Hey. You want to know what's protocol? Chain of command. When we're on a call, these guys are with Cal Fire. And right now, we're on a call. So my firefighters are going to stay right here and they will assist them as needed. Sound good? 'Kay. Everyone grab your tools and move back where you were. Let's go.

Protester: Is that guy really entering the hot zone?
Manny: Yeah. They're inmate firefighters. This is what they volunteer to do.

Vince: Hey Luke, what's going on with this fence?
Luke: We needed a visual. Help the people of Edgewater feel safer.
Vince: How's that working out for you?
Luke: It's -- will you back me up here please?
Eve: Look, I know it doesn't look pretty. But it's going to sell that we're listening to the community's concerns.
Vince: You really believe that?

Bode: What happened with signing the papers today?
Jake: Listen, uh, about that.
Bode: If you don't think that I'm right for the job, for Gene, then just say something.
Jake: No. It's not about you Bode. Whether or not you're right for the job. I have the job. She doesn't know you. But I know her. Look, I know that she hates the dentist and sleeping with her socks on. That she loves thunderstorms. That when she says eggs over easy what she really means is over medium. And that she needs to know what's coming around the corner in detail. Or else she gets really anxious.
Bode: Okay. Okay. Look, I haven't had a chance to get to know her.
Jake: I know. But I've been raising her. That I want to. And more importantly, Gene wants me to. And I'm nervous and I will need help. So I'm not trying to push you out B, but I think this needs to be me. And you'll be Uncle Bode.

Manny: I'm living proof the program works.
Luke: I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation, okay? It's not just Three Rock that's under threat. It's the whole fire camp system. And you and I both want the same thing. We want Three Rock to stay open. Remain strong.
Manny: Hell, it's not even Three Rock anymore. You've taken away all their basic privileges, bro. You put up a fence. These guys feel like prisoners all over again.

Jake: This place is going to collapse. And when it does, it'll be your fault. And you will have to live with it. As for me, I'm just going to laugh.
Genevieve: Shut up. Let me concentrate.

Bode: When you called me, you told me that she was my daughter.
Jake: I know. And I messed up.
Bode: It saved my life. She's the reason I was working so hard.
Jake: Look, I know you might think that, but before that, your reason was Gabriela. Before that, it was your folks. Man, you went back to prison for Freddy. I don't know, but you keep putting your reason for living on other people. And I don't know if it's because you don't want to look at yourself but you have to count on yourself.
Bode: That's easy for you to say. Out there.
Jake: No. It isn't. 'Cause in case you forgot, I was counting on a future with Cara. But things change in an instant.
Bode: Yeah.