Malika: What are you doing in here?
Isaac: Just, uh, taking a break.
Malika: Look, if I freaked you out by saying I love you, just be honest. You're not there, that's fine. Just don't push me away.
Isaac: I'm not freaked out or pushing you away because you said you loved me.
Malika: Then what are you doing?
Isaac: I just, I'm dealing right now.
Malika: With what?
Isaac: I don't want to talk about it.

Malika: Feeling better?
Isaac: Sometimes my chest gets tight, and my head starts spinning with all of these negative thoughts of what could happen, and I can't breathe. And so I just need to be alone and hold on until it finishes happening.
Malika: How long has it been happening?
Isaac: Since I was a kid. But I get through it, it's fine.
Malika: Have you ever talked to someone about anxiety? Look, I know some people think mental health is something to be ashamed of but it's not. You don't have to hold on. You can get help.

Gael: Jamie! You bought my art piece.
Jamie: Yes.
Gael: Thank you, man.

Mariana: It doesn't mean that I don't love you.
Callie: But I feel like you don't like me.
Mariana: Well, I feel like you don't like me.
Callie: Maybe we're not best friends anymore. Maybe we're just sisters.

Dennis: I want to tell you something.
Davia: Me too. I took shrooms.

Is it going to be this dark forever!


Dennis: So, um, my friend, the one who has been coming here with me. So I'm in love with her, and I want to tell her, but Jacob's mother, my ex-wife, she's pregnant and getting married again, and maybe I'm um, feeling guilty for--
Group member: For also moving on with your life?
Dennis: I just feel like someone has to grieve our son.
Group Member: I think we can all relate to that feeling like we have stop living in order to honor the person we lost, especially a child.
Dennis: She's really been there for me, Davia, you know? I couldn't have done this without her. I may not even be here without her.

It's hard in a state of grief to know the difference between need and love, that's why it's best not to start any new relationship too soon.


Thank you for the most interesting Valentine's Day in recent memory.


Callie: Jamie, I love you so much but I'm not ready to get engaged.
Jamie: OK. That came out of left field.

Jamie: Oh, I didn't buy that ring for you. It was meant for my ex, Heather.
Callie: Oh. Did you propose to Heather?
Jamie: Yeah.
Callie: What happened?
Jamie: She said no.

Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Mariana: She's not coming, of course.
Isabella: Well, it is Valentine's Day.
Mariana: Yeah, but she's all about Jamie now. She couldn't care less about me.

Never have I ever been in love with someone in this room.
