Laurel: Annalise wouldn't hurt Wes.
Connor: She would if he was going to turn her in. She probably had Frank do it.
Michaela: Connor, shut your mouth right now!

Bonnie: You need the best.
Annalise: Bonnie, we're under attack here.

Bonnie: Your bail hearing is tomorrow at two. I called Helen Hughes. She wants the case. Eve would be a conflict of interest.
Annalise: Everyone's a conflict of interest.

Connor: What's going on, Ollie?
Oliver: Annalise asked me to delete everything on her phone last night, before I knew Wes was dead. That means she did this, right?
Connor: No.
Oliver: You told Bonnie you thought she did it.
Connor: Yeah, I was wrong. She's being framed.
Oliver: I think maybe you're lying to me the same way you lied about the bonfire. Sam Keating went missing that night, his remains were found a few weeks later. Did you all do that?

Bonnie: What do you think they know?
Annalise: I don't even want to think about it.

Wes: So, it's about the Mahoney trial?
Lawyer: Unless there's another reason the police want to talk to you.

Hey, job well done. You did your charity and saved a little black baby and now I'm asking you to leave.


I don't understand, or care. Beg the church to go take you back, or sleep on the street. I don't care.


No more blood.


He's responsible for you losing your baby.


You tell him that if he comes anywhere near this house, he's dead.


Laurel: You cant't be here.
Frank: I'm scared what I'll do if I gotta be alone tonight.

How to Get Away with Murder Season 3 Quotes

Your mailbox isn't full, so I know that means you're checking your messages and not dead somewhere.


Annalise: There is no grey area here, Laurel. It's him, or it's me.
Laurel: He's dead to me.
Annalise: Good.