Have fun in Canada, you dick!


Eventually Murphy is going to come to terms with the fact that Jess is ... Jess is gone.


Jessica: This might be the only version you see of me again. You know that.
Murphy: Don't say that.

Lesley: You want me to house a bunch of criminals?
Felix: It's the kind of thing you do for someone you love.

I'm sort of tapped out on the humiliation for one night, so if we can just talk about anything else.


I actually believed that for once in my life someone chose me, but of course he didn't. Because no one ever chooses me.


I just wanted to say that since we hooked up at the motel. I just... I-- oh, I thought you were alone.


It's like Max gets to do whatever he wants. He has no idea how much it sucks to be me.


I honestly don't even get siblings. It's just like, this person has to be in your life forever regardless of whether o not you even like them? Ew.


Cop 1: I love that we're all working late to try to find a girl who you arrested and then let walk out of the building. Cop 2: A blind girl. let's not forget that fun fact.

I don't think we're looking for someone who wants Jess. We're looking after someone who wants Jennifer Walker.


Leslie: You know what I love, having your ex-girlfriend around to decode you. From now on can we just--
Max: Look, I really messed up. I have all of these issues because of my mom. I tend to go after these women who cause chaos like she did.

In The Dark Season 3 Quotes

I understand that you're bored with our regular life, but you need to start living.


Since I can't arrest you for the murder of Nia Bailey yet, I'll get you on money laundering until I find enough evidence for the murder.
