Herin: Last night, over a hundred people of Old Town died in these streets. Our streets. So what I need is to explain to the wives, the husbands, the children how we are going to get them justice.
Dutch: By beating the piss out of me?
Herin: By hanging the man who started it all with that damn wall. And if we can't do that, the next best thing is the bitch who helped him escape.
Herin: Either Jelco hangs today or you do.

You see, individuals are clever, but masses are stupid. They'd much rather close their eyes and hear the lie, than open them and see the knife.

Delle Seyah

Everything the Company has done since that wall went up is a lie. They've caged you. They've poisoned you. And now the rest of Westerley needs to see the truth before it's too late for them too.


Liam Jelco is a murderer, a sadist, and a threat to everyone in Old Town. Tonight we bring down his wall and then he dies.


Dutch: People are dying inside that wall. We need to go back to Old Town and tell everyone to stop eating that shit.
Pawter: Trust me, it won't work. A friend was murdered in front of me last night and I didn't feel anything. The wall won't let you.

Dutch: He lied to me. He's never done that.
Pawter: I'm sorry. I asked him to.
Dutch: I figured. I'm only doing this now because to be perfectly honest Seyah Simms, you're not up for this. And if you try to do this without me, you'd probably get yourself killed and Johnny with you.

People of Old Town, I need you to listen to me. Do not eat any of the food the Company sent you. It's poison.


Whoa, what happened? Why is the wall set to rage? Pawter what did you do?


Arune: So you say the Company's planning a slaughter?
Pawter: Yes... And that is bad. [laughs]
Arune: Do you think this is funny?
Pawter: No.
Arune: Half my family was assassinated for questioning Delle Seyah and the council. I'm putting myself at risk right now because you promised me proof that she's up to something.
Johnny: You just be cool, okay. We found the vector.
Arune: What is he talking about?
Pawter: Poison. It's in the Company rations.

Dutch: How long have you been working with Pawter behind my back?
Johnny: That's not how it started.
Dutch: How long?
Johnny: Pawter has her thing, which is Westerley and Old Town and Walls. And you? You have yours, which is Sixes and Khlyen and Sabine.
Dutch: You're my thing, Johnny. We're partners.

Jelco: Power looks good on you, Seyah.
Pawter: You're goddamn right it does.

Turin: What the hells was that?
D'avin: That was new.

Killjoys Season 2 Quotes

Dutch: I'm just looking for a device. It belonged to the Connavers. They use it to get into Arkyn.
Clara: Why do you want it?
Dutch: My partner, he's trapped down there. He needs my help.

Dutch: Johnny, Khlyen's had D'avin down there for five days. Five! If we don't find him now we may not find him at all.
Johnny: We can't even be sure that he's still down there.
Dutch: You're right, let's go find out.