Connie: I am doing whatever I can to protect my son. Just like you would do. What you did. That gang case?
Benson: So you follow the news.
Connie: I admire you for raising a child alone, being both mother and father. When my husband ran off, all Martin and I had were each other, so I will do anything to protect him.
Benson: Including bribing rape victims?
Connie: Sounds like you have an axe to grind with people who have money.
Benson: When they abuse that power to protect rapists, yeah.

Dude had his head on Mommy's boobs?


Fin: Mommy was pissed.
Benson: That wasn't anger, Fin. That was jealousy.

I'm no one's fawn. I don't care if I lose my job. I want this bastard charged with rape.


Benson: It's nice to see Muncy and Churlish getting along.
Fin: Don't get too excited. They're the only ones here.

Woman: I have always cared about your happiness.
Man: Then why do I feel like an eel who is floundering around the bottom of a boat and is drowning.

Muncy: Why did you get divorced?
Abby: I thought he'd change. He thought I wouldn't.

Velasco: I've been making progress on that guy we talked about.
Benson: Your friend who murdered some people?
Velasco: Yeah, Chili. Nothing solid yet, but I have some leads.
Benson: How hard you been trying?

Benson: Your brother is way too good at this.
Muncy: He just knows how to code-switch.
Velasco: He's fluent in meathead.

[Bars are] the place where men meet women and women meet the person most l likely to murder them.


Churlish: The way McGrath tells it, I have 30 days. 3-0.
Benson: To do what?
Churlish: To impress you.

Bruno: You know what the secret to life is?
Churlish: No, why don't you explain it to me?
Bruno: The secret to life is coming to peace with the fact that we're all going to die. But in the meantime, we have to live, so come out with me for an hour and then you can come back here and rearrange your pens.

Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
