Ace: You're the new favorite, Greek.
Gus: That's good, Ace. Alls I'm nervous is you relying on me relying on them when I'm working out past my depth.
Ace: You don't know you're own depth.

Leon: She was movin' good Ronnie. I wouldn't have been asking her.
Ronnie: She was moving great. I was watching.
Leon: Did you ever have that? The light go out of their eyes?
Ronnie: You never get used to it. That's why the make Jim Beam.

Lonnie: Will someone please tell me what's happening!?
Jerry: We win. It's over. We won!

You don't know how special you are, do you? How you can run, who your daddy was. How they killed him. 2000 miles ain't gonna make any difference. Why didn't I do this? Why didn't I do that? Why didn't I hear it goin' on?

Walter [to horse]

After I do three years, you suspect me? After I take a fall protecting how many people? I have a tape recorder - you got qualms!?

Ace [to former business partner]

Ace: Sometimes I wonder if I'm still an asset.
Mr. DiRossi: As asset? Ace, you're the architect! But you take your time. You have a right to find your own stride.

Mr. Walter, listen, this guy's got nine more gears!


You think you're the first front in history?

Ace [to Gus]

Luck Season 1 Quotes

Mr. Walter, listen, this guy's got nine more gears!


You think you're the first front in history?

Ace [to Gus]