Ben: You don't seem to worried. About your husband, ma'am.
Olivia: I process my emotions in a very private way.

You're like one of those people that blazes a trail. You're a single-minded visionary. And I gotta live in the wake of your chaos.


Des: You know I'm a drug addict, man? It's not really polite to smoke pot in my house.
Joshua: Well, I'm dying. So. Whatever.

Mary: You can take the girl in bed three for an x-ray on her arm.
Nurse Connie: Which arm?
Mary: The broken one.
Nurse Connie: Sure, if you want to go with the obvious choice.

In my line of work, Mary, just to survive this shit, I gotta put people in boxes. Good people, bad people. And everywhere I turn in this thing, there you are. With Grady, with Olivia, with Travis. It's you. It all comes back to you. Because you know why? You're one of the bad ones.


Y'know, maybe your work situation is bad because you kill people?


You know, I've been to jail but I've never actually felt like a criminal. But now, the packaging matches what's inside.


Mary: How long have you two been together?
Brendan: Oh no, we're not together. I mean, we hooked up once.
Germaine: Twice.
Brendan: But then we realized that we were each other's twin flame. Mirror souls.

He smokes and I wake up every morning to what sounds like he's giving birth to his esophagus.


I'm surrounded by everyone I love. Celebrating every last second of this messy, beautiful, heart-breaking, glorious life.


The beauty of a death sentence is you can enjoy all your vices guilt-free


Ben is not a long-term option.


Mary Kills People Season 2 Quotes

Des: Why don't you want me to come with you?
Mary: Because you're on parole. I'm fairly certain one of your conditions would be 'no killing people'

A friend once told me that life can make you strong or it can break you. There isn't much in between. I believe that this experience has made me stronger. It's shaped me into a better version of myself.
