Angel: Take his finger, we're going to need it.
EZ: Seriously?
Angel: You're lucky it's not a new phone. You'd be cutting off his face.

Devante: Well we really appreciate all this hard work but...
Emily: Don't fucking patronize me Devante. I'm not Dita.

Maybe you and the Peckerwood Patrol are just humble servants, trying to keep our borders safe. Or maybe you're just a bunch of fucking racist yahoos, gunning down kids with high powered rifles.


Angel: What's up?
Coco: Nothing, just some crazy chick.
Gilly: She wrote you a note? Is she pregnant or infected?

Angel: Just wanted to check in on this one, make sure he didn't stroke out.
Felipe: Your compassion overwhelms me.

Nestor: Careful with that shit on your face. These little fuckers are oozing with disease.
Miguel: Great...

Emily: What would you do if it was your son?
Dita: I would support my husband.
Emily: No. That's what you have to do, what would you want to do? I know you well enough Dita. A still tongue and idle hands aren't strategies in your maternal handbook.

EZ: These douchebags here, know who they are?
Bartender: Local cops. Tip for shit.

Prostitute: You must be really desperate.
Coco: Shut the fuck up and get in the car mom. We gotta talk.

Dita: They tried to use my Cristobal to push out your father.
Miguel: And Papa refused to bend?
Dita: He was crippled with grief when he lost Cristobal.
Miguel: Pneumonia?
Dita: That's what we told everyone. In three months I was pregnant again. Then we had you. And our lives went on.
Miguel: And so I'm just supposed to sacrifice my Cristobal...for another son?

Looks like a 45 Caliber Hasbro. You're lucky to be alive.


Emily: Miguel promised there would be no retaliation but then something happened. Something changed and now no one will even look me in the eye. I'm so sorry to put this on you EZ. I don't know who else to ask. If anything happens will you tell me?
EZ: It already has. Retaliation. Two innocents burned to death, dumped in Merchant Square.

Mayans M.C. Season 1 Quotes

Creeper: Make sure he knows what's he's doing!
Angel: He also wants a sex change, doctor.
Gilly: Yes he wants it...very tight.
Coco: And the lips, very pretty... soft like my mother's.
Angel: You always got to make it weird don't you!

Angel: Yo he ever talk to you about mom or any of that?
EZ: No, not really. Does he with you?
Angel: Baseball. That's the only thing we ever talk about. For eight years not a word about that hit.