Dark past? Join the club.

Olivia [to Lem]

All vampires are killers.


Exorcism complete. Your home is now inhospitable to the dead.


Olivia: You're back. It's okay now.
The Rev: No, it's not. I know what I did.

Olivia: The Rev didn't want to hurt anyone.
Lem: Like you said, he's not The Rev.

It's Midnight. You don't need to pretend to be normal. Let your freak flag fly.


Officer Gomez: Witch craft. That's your thing, right?
Fiji: Wicca.
Officer Gomez: A lot of animal sacrifices in that Wicca?
Fiji: Bundy, Dahmer, Son of Sam, all of them started out with critters before they killed people, Not a Wicca in the bunch.

Xylda: You'll be safe in Midnight.
Manfred: That would mean a whole lot more coming from someone who wasn't dead.

Olivia: Fiji, why aren't you jumping already?
Fiji: That's not what I was thinking. I was admiring his cooking techniques. And don't make that dirty.

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Quotes

Olivia: Fiji, why aren't you jumping already?
Fiji: That's not what I was thinking. I was admiring his cooking techniques. And don't make that dirty.

Xylda: You'll be safe in Midnight.
Manfred: That would mean a whole lot more coming from someone who wasn't dead.