Ana: What about us? What happens now?
Ace: Well, we don't stop caring about each other, but we gotta let that go.
Ana: Why because you think it's wrong?
Ace: It's because I made a promise to my mom and to yours.
Ana: And that's more important than how we feel.
Ace: That's not what am I saying, Ana.
Ana: Then what are you saying?
Ace: That I hopped my worried ass across state lines to find you, to bring you back to where you belong which happens to be where I belong too. Everything else we'll figure it out.

Gigi: Are you saying I should screw over my sister?
Earl: I'm not saying that. I'm saying your mama didn't become an icon by playing nice, and neither will you.

Kayla: Where did you learn how to do that? How to threaten someone without actually threatening them.
Nicky: The master, Dottie Roman. But that wasn't a threat, this is, convince Gigi not to go on the tour, or I'll tell her about you and Luke.

Gigi: Your time will come, Nicky. I know it. Just don't give up.
Nicky: Yeah, never.

Now I know why you were giving me so much crap about Ace. He's adopted by the way, so it shouldn't even matter but you're just like them. All you care is about is what it looks like.


Nicky: Jamie's a good guy, there's nothing to be suspicious about.
Luke: Nicky, we're Romans. We were raised to be suspicious when there's nothing to be suspicious about.

Hey, Albie. I don't want you to worry. DNA always tells a story, so if that blood is something or there's more to all this than we know, it's going to tell us.


I understand revenge. I understand greed. I do not understand the woman who doesn't want something.

Nicky [to Katt]

Tripp: What are you asking here? You want me to just trash my career? Everything that I built?
Albie: You have everything you built because of me. Let's not forget who owes who here, Tripp.
Tripp: It has been 40 years. When is the debt paid?
Albie: It's paid when I say it's paid.

Teen Gigi: I don't like boys. I never have. I like girls. That's my truth!
Dottie: Now that you had your say, I do not need to hear that ever again. You are a Roman, which means that you keep your truth to yourself. You understand me?
Teen Gigi: Yes, mama.

Jamie: Try and let go, it's not as hard as you think.
Nicky: I beg to different. If I don't try to hold on tight to everything, it all falls apart. My family, my kids, my legacy.
Jamie: But who takes care of you?

Luke: This family needs to get back to normal.
Gigi: Normal? After what we did? What I did?
Albie: Hang on now, Georgina, your brother is right.
Luke: That is a phrase I certainly never though I'd hear.

Monarch Season 1 Quotes

We gotta show the world that the Roman family legacy will carry on beyond me. We are the first damn family of Country Music.


A Roman never forgets a friend, or an enemy.
