Celia: It's okay. I am so sorry. I can't stay.
Nancy: No, no, no, no. Don't go. No, please don't go.

I am trying to stay alive. And I'm trying to keep my friends alive. And I am trying to be everything to everyone and I'm so sick of everybody doubting me instead of trusting me because I know what I'm doing.

It's time to go visit my favorite relatives. The dead ones!


George: Bess, what is the problem? Just be yourself.
Bess: A former con artist who likes to dabble in the supernatural looking to rebound from a crush on a dead woman. I am unswipable.

Bess: Now that the distractions have gone can we please -- hi --focus on the matter at hand -- dating profile pic.
George: Cute.
Bess: I'm really gonna need some more feedback here, guys. Unless she wants me to keep pining for the ghost that lives inside her.

Carson: You're giving away your entire identity.
Nancy: No, I'm not. I'm playing a role. Nancy Drew will be tucked away inside of me the whole time.

Nancy, I appreciate you, but I went to MIT and you went to a thrift store to buy that hat, okay?


Ace: It's not a supernatural issue after all. That's...different.
Tom: Are you all broomstick people?

George: Why do you think I'm so prickly sometimes? Because the world expects me to be polite, super high-achieving, and awesome at math.
Nick: Sounds frustrating.
George: Maybe not as frustrating as having white guys argue with you about why they can use racial slurs.

Nancy: And you are?
Tom: Tom Swift. I was about to say I need your help, but looks like you may need mine.

Nick: There's this guy in The Claw, and he comes in every week. And he loves to sing along with rap lyrics, and he says the "N" word a lot.
George: So why don't you just tell him to stop?
Nick: Because then they just say, "why do you get to say it, but I don't?" And then I have to argue with them about how that word is offensive, knowing full well that they're not going to hear me. Explaining yourself all the time is just exhausting. It's easier just to keep quiet than be the angry black guy.

George: She moved on and found a love.
Odette: No.

Nancy Drew Season 2 Quotes

Nick: Hey, Nancy was right. Spiraling about fear won't get us anywhere.
Ace: She was just saying that for moral. I don't think she believes it herself.
Nick: It's not like you to have doubts about Nancy. You were ready to drink poison for her.

Bess: Maybe these are visions of what could potentially happen. You know, not actually our future.
Ace: Like a proposed death. Like a serving suggestion on a waffle box.