Charlie: Get in the car.
Craig: No, no, buddy. You got to run.
Charlie: What's the delay, Wayne? Don't you want to go to Christmasland?

Gas mask man is leaving.


Mom: Millie?
Millie: The lights are blinking again. I think you know why.

Kid: It's happening again.
Millie: I know that.

Linda: Back in bed.
Vic: Mom, I can't.
Linda: You've got an injured spleen. If it ruptures, you'll die.
Vic: Ma, listen to me, I have to find my son. I am the only one who can do it, so please go.
Linda: Go get Agent Delta.
Vic: No, he can't help.
Linda: Look, honey, I know you feel powerless.
Vic: I don't, OK. I can find him, Ma. I can. With my triumph, I can find anything.
Linda: You have a concussion.
Vic: No. I don't, I have a gift, and... I have a gift. Do you remember Sharon Smith?
Linda: Yeah.
Vic: I didn't just stumble on to her body when I was a kid. I used my gift to find her.
Linda: Your gift? Alright, so, what, you drew Sharon's body in the field.
Vic: No, I tore the fabric between the real world and the world of thought, and I can do it again to find Wayne.
Linda: OK, you can't tear anything or find anyone with a ruptured spleen.
Vic: Ma, I need you to listen to me.
Linda: I love you, I need you to sit right down. If you don't sit down right now, I'm gonna order a psych eval.

One of the many wonders of Christmasland is that any child gets to be who they are. So, Wayne, who do you want to be?


Wayne: Mom?
Vic: Wayne, where are you, baby?
Wayne: I'm in Charlie's car. Mom, something's wrong with me.
Vic: I'm coming, Brat, do you hear me? Keep fighting, I'll be there before you know it.

Lou: How much time do we have?
Vic: I don't know.

She will destroy everything we helped build if we don't stop her together.


HourGlass Man: May I have a moment of your time?
Lady: Sure.

I'll find you.


Bing: Hey there, little buddy.
Vic: Let him go!

NOS4A2 Season 2 Quotes

Bing: You know, I tried to play nice. I told you I was an enthusiast.
Henchmen: Well, let's do this. Help me get it in.

You be good. I love you.
