Zazie: Who wins?
Bloom: Adam wins, seven to three. But why does the man always have to win? He's such a scum weasel.
Computer: Correct! Do not recognize expression 'scum weasel'

Xander: Who's the father?
Shral: Her pregnancy appears to be the result of parthenogenesis, the spontaneous development of a diploid gamete cell into a fetus. Immaculate conception, Captain Duvall. Please, read a book on occasion while you're galloping across the cosmos.

I've always been a coward but y'all inspired me to be a better man.


I tangled with them once before. They're nasty. I was lucky they only took my cargo parts. Not my vital parts.


Shral: Look, I know this isn't easy...
Jax: Oh, you think? First, I find out that I'm not even a human and then that the fate of the universe relies on me and now I have something growing inside of me that may not even be a real baby. I'm only a twenty-two-year-old sophomore. This is so not fair.

Scantron: I'm just a long-haul trucker trying to make his way in the world. What, y'all ain't never done nothin' just 'cause you need the cash?
Xander: Nothing illegal.
Jett: Speak for yourself, cap.

Ralen: I have just lost my wife. She made a sacrifice that might save us all. I will carry the pain of her loss with me forever.
Gorch: I'm sorry.
Ralen: I've been mad at the universe ever since. Self-destructive. But I was wrong. This is my second chance.

Whether you think you can help or not, people are still going to need you.


Why do you want to be normal when you could be extraordinary?


Jett: Captain Xander Duvall, at your service. Hero of Earth. Defender of the cosmos. Handsome devil.
Sumi: Captain Duvall. You destroyed two of our ships!
Jett: Yeah, sorry about that.
Sumi: That's all you have to say?!
Jett: It was an accident?

Gorch: What guarantee we have you'll do what you say?
Xander: Well, you have my word, Mr. Gorch. If that's not enough, then just shoot us.

Greg: I'm a doctor.
Ralen: Pre-med. Actually.
Greg: Better than pre-law.

Pandora Season 2 Quotes

Ah, Jax. Once again, you appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved relative.


Tierney: You're not the trusting type, are you?
The Courier: Would you be?
Tierney: Touché