McGann: I didn't tell you to fucking kill him.
Nick: You didn't have to. All you had to do was tell Pete Novak to have his hothead bastard to take care of it.

I killed someone, and I want to confess.


McGann: If anything happens to me, that tape goes straight to the FBI.
Nick: Here's the thing. We're the only two on that tape, Pat. What if we're both gone? Case closed.
McGann: Put the gun down.
Nick: Kind of poetic, isn't it? Two of us go down right here where it happened.

Derrick: I don't like to have to go out there and spin bullshit based on something you and the mayor are keeping from me. I'm starting to feel like a fucking sellout!
Jessica: You are not a sellout. Keep your head down. Do your job.
Derrick: So we're back to that Jessica? Just when I think you put cause over politics, you remind me who you really are.
Jessica: That's right. The biggest, baddest operator around. Be glad I am.

McGann: I don't know what you think you're going to do with this theory of yours, but I have a groundbreaking to prepare for.
Jessica: Yeah, I'm not going to do anything with it. No. I'm going to hold on to it and watch the walls close in.
McGann: I'm Irish, remember? I'll be fine.
Jessica: You're going to need a hell of a lot more than a goddamn leprechaun to get you out of this one.

Yoli: I have amazing instincts.
Derrick: Amazing instincts? Yoli, you don't have instincts, you have opinions, and you know what they say about opinions, everyone's got one. Now can I please have my space back? Thank you.

Bobby: What do you want me to do?
Stephanie: I want you to do whatever you want to do. If you want to be with her, I think you should be with her. If you want to self-destruct, go right ahead. But when everything comes crashing down, please do not expect me to be a prop in your apology tour. 

Bobby: Don't go.
Keri: Bobby, don't.
Bobby: I love you. Did you hear what I said?
Keri: Yes. It doesn't make a difference.
Bobby: How can you say that?
Keri: Because it isn't true.

Jessica: She was willing to leave the country than shatter the image you have of her.
Yoli: This can't guarantee her asylum. This can get her deported.
Jessica: She told the truth. That's all she could do. That's all any of us can do.

Stephanie: I want to thank you.
Keri: For what?
Stephanie: For getting out of the house. For lighting a fire under my ass.
Keri: Is this is the part where you tell me to stay away from your husband?
Stephanie: No. I mean a part of me came here for that.

Keri: So where do we go from here?
Stephanie: Home.

Keri: Can I ask how long you've known?
Stephanie: You don't get to ask me anything.
Keri: I'm going to go back to my room.
Stephanie: What's wrong with you?
Keri: I'm not doing this with you, Mrs. Novak.

Pearson Season 1 Quotes

Bobby: You don't know anything about politics.
Jessica: But I do know about power, and if you sit around waiting for this thing to blow over, you won't have any.

Just stay in your lane. I'm sure she'll stay in hers.
