Marvin: Yo, fuck you. And your bullshit showcase, Lou.
Lou-Lou: Yo, Jukebox is performing at my bullshit showcase. Oh, you didn't know? Can't see past that nose on your fucking face, huh. Try being a father to your daughter.

Doctor: You don't look well, Detective Howard.
Malcolm: That's cuz I'm fucking dying, Doc.

Raq: Looks like you found an even faster way to spend our money.
Lou-Lou: It's our money, Raq.
Raq: Well, your money's my money, little bro.

I ain't seen Raq in a minute. She all shapely and shit.

Crown [to Lou-Lou]

You know, Raq's lucky to have a little brother like you, Lou-Lou. You're a reasonable motherfucker, man. She needs that reason in her life right now. She needs that level-headedness that you bring to the table. Yeah. Cuz I'll tell you what, shits getting heated on these streets, man. Real fucking heated.


Kanan: Nicole seem kinda cool by the way.
Jukebox: Yeah.
Kanan: I got you, Juke. I always do. Now come out here. Show them what you about. Show em who you are. Show em where the fuck we from, girl!

Raq: You were there with your Uncle Marvin. Yeah, the stash house, Kanan. He told me what happened, but somehow forgot to mention that you were there. I wonder why.
Kanan: I was just going to get some money Scrap owed me. Saw Uncle Marvin there loading up his car, said he ain't need help but I wasn't gonna let him do that alone.
Raq: Right. Cuz you like that. You always wanting to lend a helping hand. Like when I ask you to help me with the dishes, every damn night, and you don't do shit.

Howard: Kanan Stark's the motherfucking prince of the Southside. And sometimes when you wanna get the queen...
Burke: You gotta go through the prince.

Raq: While Niq out on the streets fighting for tired corners, we in the sky looking down on him and all the rest of these motherfuckers. We about to be on a mountaintop.
Marvin: The mountaintop.

Kanan: You really like my mom.
Symphony: I do.
Kanan: That's cool.

Raq: I've been sitting on this for a few days, just to see if one of you would come clean. It's a test that both of you failed. He ain't snitch on you, by the way. He took it all on himself.
Lou-Lou: Boys got heart.
Raq: Too much heart. And too much trust in his dumbass uncle.

Burke: Neighbors said that there was some sort of car crash outside and they heard multiple shots fired, but no one saw anything.
Howard: No one sees anything. And then bodies start turning up.

Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 1 Quotes

Raquel: I'm scared, Kanan. And I need you to be here with me. Because that fear keeps us alert and awake. It keeps us alive. So, be scared. Scared of them, or scared of me. But be scared.
Kanan: I'm scared.

Eyes open, Kanan. At all times.
