I won't allow this committee to persecute my sister because of her faith.


The question here is not does my sister believe in America, it's does America believe in my sister.


Caleb says I can't talk to you, I'm sorry.


I want O'Connor out. He doesn't get my job, not after what he's done.


I worry that you won't be comfortable doing what will be required of us.


Our job is to get recruited by the Islamic front. You can't keep looking like a perfect Muslim. I can't look like an atheist. We need to create a third person. Someone who will attract the front - a sinful, weak woman.


It's like you lost each other at a party, and you finally caught a glimpse of each other across the room.


You fought for the truth. You don't quit. I see that in you, and that will take you far, but it will also get you in trouble.


And that is why, Alex, I believe you are the only trainee here who can do I what I was unable to do - shatter the glass ceiling.


They favor men for promotions. They protect them from punishment, no matter their weaknesses, no matter what they do. Don't be fooled by their faces. You have to be willing to play dirty because that, it seems, is the only thing that works.


The FBI is still a man's world, and in a man's world, men get away with murder. It's too late for me, but it's not for you. They are going to try to hold you down. They are doing to try to hold you accountable for things that they never would be, but don't let them. You keep fighting. You do what you have to do.


She fell for it. We're on our way now. I'll see you soon.


Quantico Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Stop saying penetrating. It's a rescue mission, not a sex act.


Drew: Why do I feel like you are trying to out run me even on a treadmill?
Alex: I'm not trying to out run you, I'm trying to get away from you.