You don't realize it while you're there, but the bureau is a business, and there are other ways to do good in the world.


Welcome to the end.


When we recruit sources, we pull them in with a sin. Something they'll do anything to keep buried, but when you cross the line, you recruit yourself. You start to do worse and worse things to keep it all buried. And over time, the bodies under the floorboard, they eat away at whatever's left of your conscience. Sometimes it's better to let the bad guys get away with it than it is to be the one who gets away with it.


I don't know how to say goodbye to my life, and I'm terrified.


You want to know the truth or what they told me to say?


In time you'll realize that these challenges made you stronger, and you're ready to face any danger, no matter where it comes from.


You think lying to protect me makes you the kind of man I want to be with? No, a real man shows up, tells the truth, and stays strong no matter what comes next. I deserve the truth, and I deserve someone who believes in me enough to know that when faced with the truth, I will not break.


When an agent says coincidence, what they really mean is cover up. Don't they still teach you that at the academy?

Jordan Kent

The real Ryan Booth's still a mystery.


Drew: Is it over? Did you get him?
Shelby: Who? Get who?
Drew: Ryan.

  • Permalink: Ryan.
  • Added:

You always said Drew was a straight shooter. He never lied to you.


Alex: You know you don't need an excuse to talk to me, right?
Ryan: I'll keep that in mind.

Quantico Season 1 Quotes

Alex: You're not my type.
Ryan: Said to the man you just had sex with.

The last night of freedom for us both.
