Ben, I know you had a life before. But now you’re a nomad. And for a nomad, the only home is people. It can’t be an accident — Fate throwing us together like this. There has to be a reason. Maybe, I’m your home.


The thing is, we have to live the life in front of us. Be true to your present, Addison, not some future you’re wishing for that may never happen. Because waiting isn’t living.


Addison: Egypt. This is amazing. You’ve never leapt out of the country before.
Ben: Actually, I did. It’s just… you all thought I was dead.

Jenn: What are you two whispering about?
Ian: You
Addison: [at the same time] Magic.
Jenn: [beat] Deception noted.

Magistrate: Seeing as you’re Goody’s servant girl, was Goody behaving… unnaturally before Josiah’s death?
Ben: Like how?
Magistrate: Not like herself. Maybe she was forgetting things, or sleeping in, or… dancing naked in the woods?
Ben: Sorry. What?

Okay, no more burning people! K? Need to figure something else out. Magistrate Bloodborne was right about one thing. You need to decide what kind of town you’re going to be. The kind of town where you talk about others or talk to others? The kind of town where you burn witches or build something beautiful together?


Morgan: You’ve never had to think for yourself.
Bridget: What?
Morgan: I’m the only one here who doesn’t follow the herd. Your so-called friends told you what to believe in and who to love and who to hate and you never questioned any of it. Well, how’s it feel now that they decided to hate you?

Addison: I went from being the leaper to being a hologram to basically being our worst intern ever.
Magic: Well, certainly not our worst. Remember Jeffrey in R&D?

Addison: Can I ask what you talked about?
Magic: Alchemy.
Addison: Alchemy. Like magically turning metals into gold?
Magic: Like turning a bad situation into a good one.

Ian: Dorothy? Can you hear us? We can’t hear you.
Jenn: Sounds like a bad Zoom.
Ian: Okay, all right. This dismissive attitude is exactly what started the witch trials in the first place. What was it that Ben said? That magic is just science that we don’t understand yet. I mean, have we learned nothing since 1692? Everyone just needs to stop judging people for doing things that they don’t understand.

Jenn: I don’t understand any of this stuff. You tell him.
Addison: He does not want to see me.
Jenn: I think between talking to his ex and burning at the stake, he’s gonna choose talking to his ex.

Soviet spies have been circling this project for quite some time. I don’t have to tell you that if the Soviets find that formula, they will gain limitless power overnight and the United States will be, quite literally, left in the dark.


Quantum Leap Season 2 Quotes

Grier: That thing is a ticket out of running dead-end long-haul supply missions. We land in New Delhi, hand it off, you two [to Abrams brothers] get to go … do whatever, you [to Bailey] get an honorable discharge, and you [to Ben] get to finally go home. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?
Ben: Yeah, it is.

Ronnie: Just because we pick it up from Germany, doesn’t mean it came from Germany.
Enoch: You’re just going to gloss over the fact that the Nazis ‘collected’ a lot of artifacts?
Ronnie: Stop. It’s not what you think it is.
Enoch: I’m just saying that this could be some sort of deeply supernatural, level ten occult, ultra powerful ancient artifact!
Ronnie: This is not a supernatural relic.
Enoch: Okay, fine. What do you think it is?
Ronnie: I’ll tell you what you think it is.
Enoch: The floor is yours.
Ronnie: Taking into account all the variables that you brought up, I think that the only reasonable explanation is that it’s some sort of alien or extra-dimensional energy device that our government just stumbled upon.
Enoch: You’re thinking like Roswell?
Ronnie: Roswell’s a hoax.