To the outside world he looks respectable but like the devil himself he lives in the shadows.


Devon: Teresa, you do this for me you will be the largest, most powerful cartel in the world and you can finish building your shiny American dream. Kostya is an enemy of the state. Now, you can be an instrument to defend our democracy or a casualty of it. You choose.
Teresa: What you’re asking me is impossible.
Devon: You were a money changer on the streets of Sinaloa. What you’ve already achieved is impossible. I have no doubt, you’ll find a way.

Kelly Anne: She was so sweet.
Pote: (about the cookies) They might be poisoned.
Kelly Anne: Oh, come on.

Pote: Congratulations, Teresita. You’re now the world’s biggest gangster.
Teresa: That title belongs to Devon and the CIA. We’re getting out of the business.

Osvaldo: Boaz would have killed my family in Mexico. Better me than them. So come on. Get on with it.
Pote: Let me tell you something, Cabron, if my woman dies I’m going to be the one visiting your family. And I can promise you one thing, I’ll do a lot worse than Boaz.

Boaz: This Isn’t personal. I’ve always liked you. I don’t want to hurt you or your baby. When this is all over, I promise you’re going to walk away.
Kelly Anne: Pote’s going to kill you for this.
Boaz: If Pote were half the man you say he is, you wouldn’t be here now.

You know people equate crazy with stupid and I’m neither. Everyone’s going to find out soon enough.


I’ve known Boaz my whole life. He killed his own brother so your little lady is as good as dead. Sorry, I just pray to God that he takes his time.


Boaz: I don’t think you ever understood the darker side of this business, Teresa.
Teresa: You're wrong. I understand perfectly.

Pote: I will not go down without a fight. I will either bring Kelly Anne home or I will die trying but I will not hand you over.
Teresa: We chose this life. Your baby didn’t. I’m going in with you.

We allow people like you to exist so that when we call on you for the greater good, you answer without hesitation.


Teresa: Where is he?
Boaz: George? Your gringo spy? He’s with your godson, little Tony. But don’t worry, Jefa. Your whole family will be together again soon. Even Pote and his baby mama.
Teresa: I’m going to fucking kill you.
Boaz: Not if I get you first.

Queen of the South Season 5 Quotes

Before you go drawing any bubble baths or making PB&Js, I’ve got a few questions for you, 007.


There was a time when I was always running for my life. Being chased, barely surviving. Now, I’m the one who does the hunting.
