Charley: Now, I can handle losing a race fair and square but this isn’t that.
Prosper: And it also ain’t nothing new. Just a new twist on an old trick. Now if it’s a matter of getting souls to the polls, we do it the old fashioned way. We put together a phone tree, get the word out to everybody we know. And I’ve already talked to Pastor Martinez about getting some of his members to put together a transportation schedule and we can arrange pick up times and locations to maximize the turnout. We’re not going to just lay down and die.

Micah: I didn’t decide this because of Keke. If anything, I decided this because of you. Watching you these past few months bridging communities and fighting for what’s right. That’s what I want to do. That’s what I want my work to be about.
Charley: Great! Great. Go to Harvard. Get a degree and start a business that puts jobs into the hands of our people which is what they need, not more pretty pictures.

Sorry to offend your Daughters of the Confederacy sensibilities but I just shook the family tree. I’m not responsible for who falls out of it.


It ain’t about looking back, it never is. It’s about the here and now. Breaking bad cycles. Looking forward. No more secrets.


Ralph Angel: What are you doing here, Nova?
Nova: I heard you’re handing out second chances, thought I’d try my luck.

I realized something. I ain’t got to worry about the Landrys bringing us down. I’ve got to worry about enemies, for what? When I’ve got a sister like Nova Bordelon right here.

Ralph Angel

Despite how I feel about her, I know that she loves Blue, and I need that little boy to be surrounded by as much love as possible. He’s going to need it one day.


You’re responsible for unleashing this demon, the least you can do is help me leash it.


Nice house, Jimmy. I see, you the one who had to clean up to come see me cause you know you ain’t nothing, never been nothing. This your life. Your prime over, and all you’ve got is nasty words. I won. I got the good life. I got the money. I got the house. I got the business, I got the respect, love, and you got nothing. You’re just an old, worn down dog. You ain’t shit. Never have been.


Can you accept you told the wrong story? I counted. You wrote way more pages on my trials than on my triumph, and I triumphed, damn it. I showed you, by moving on, by living my best life, by letting love into my life again when I could have shut my heart down forever. I showed you.


Micah, you have to celebrate your wins. After everything you’ve been through, we’ve been through, we deserve a victory lap.


Micah: Mom, I’m not going to Harvard. I’m going to Xavier University here in NOLA.
Charley: Wait. What are you talking about? Xavier’s not even on our list.
Micah: I made my own list. I’m going to study art and political science and pursue a career in photography.

Queen Sugar Season 4 Quotes

Hollywood: You know your dream is just now starting.
Violet: Goodbye, Hi Yellow. Hello, Vi’s Prized Pies and Diner.

It’s important folks know that I didn’t write this to just gossip rag my famous sister or kick my brother when he’s just getting on his feet.
