Betty: Even when I was at Yale, I was trying to be a normal Freshman. Go on dates, make friends, do extracurriculars, but I don’t know. It all felt so … empty.
Jughead: Classic Cooper. You solved like eight mysteries in high school and you were still Valedictorian.

General Taylor: So as I said before, it’s my word against yours. Pursue this and you’ll be a traitor.
Archie: No, you’re the traitor, General. I buried good men because of you. I won’t bury the truth any longer, regardless of the consequences.

Chad: Veronica, you little…
Veronica: I’m gonna stop you right there, Chad. Because whatever you think I am, doesn’t come close to what you are … which is scum. A worthless pathetic little worm. You stole money from your investors to, what, finance Copter Cab? But what a surprise, in the end you couldn’t pull it off. That’s your problem in a nutshell, you can’t land anything! You’ll never be an alpha, Chad. You’re a born beta.

Veronica: As I said, I’m hosting an exclusive by-invitation-only auction. The centerpiece of which will be some palladium doubloons I’ve acquired. Some of my guests have been asking about the palladium’s origins and I want to say that it came from your mines.
Cheryl: Not a problem! I’m always happy to let you namedrop my family in order to screw over your father.

Valerie: You know Alan, you don’t have to come with us.
Alan: I still love you, Val. I’m in it for the long haul. Married or not.
Valerie: In case I haven’t told you today, I’m crazy about you, Alan Mayberry.

Fangs: So, I’ve been thinking, and is there any chance I can tag along with you? You know, I can pull my weight. I can drive your bus, I can be your roadie, I can be your anything.
Josie: It’ll be a tight squeeze, but yes.

Josie: You know, sometimes I think watching my dad spend his entire career just outside of the spotlight is why I became so obsessed with getting it for myself. But now I would give anything to play with him one more time … with you guys one more time.
Melody: Let’s do it, Josie.
Valerie: That’s why we came. If you still want to record that song together, we’re still down.
Josie: Oh my gosh, that’s amazing. [Sobbing]

Melody: And there you have it. The story of three young women, old friends who found their way back to each other and who set off together towards magical musical mysteries unknown. Do yourself a favor and remember our names. All three of them: Josie McCoy, Valerie Brown, and Melody Valentine. Because you’re going to be hearing from us again.

Veronica: SoDale? What are you talking about?
Reggie: The thing about SoDale is it doesn’t exist. It’s a money-filled with no construction. Your dad sold his investors on a vision of something that will never be built. He’s using the money to fund his crazy search for Palladium.

This award is a painful reminder of all that I haven’t accomplished. Writing, performing, directing … instead, I’m in Riverdale. Still cruising the woods. Unlucky in love. Being named Teacher of the Year at a dying high school. Okay, this can’t be my life! It’s just can’t be!


Frank: I’ve been to war, Archie. I know the impossible decision you have to make. To hear Eric tell it, if you had gone back for Bingo, you and Eric probably wouldn’t have made it either. You made a choice in the moment and it was the right choice. You can’t save everyone!
Archie: That feels wrong. Everything feels wrong. I’m trying to save this town, but it’s so … corrupt.

Tabitha: What about the guy? The killer?
Betty: I have a place where we can take him and keep him.
Tabitha: Shouldn’t we hand him over to the FBI?!
Betty: Not yet. If there’s a chance he knows where Polly is, I want him to give up that information. At which point, we will hand him over.

Riverdale Season 5 Quotes

Why does every one of our dances turn into a Jamie Lee Curtis movie?!


Veronica: Early morning run, Archiekins?
Archie: I’ve got my physical for the naval academy this week.
Veronica: Well, I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t be impressed by my teenaged Thor.