Predictable defect of human nature, money almost always trumps pride.


I don't know when I made the decision to bend the rules for cash instead of for collars.


Two million! That's not a cut, that's a decapitation, Donnie.


He didn't just die, Harlee, he was murdered, twice, by Wozniak.


Tess: Karma's a bitch.
Harlee: Well, someone here is.

Harlee: I don't do vulnerable, I can't afford to and I don't let people in but you were the exception.
Nava: I wonder if the exception was going to be whoever got the case file.
Harlee: Well thank you for coming all the way down here just to make me feel like a whore.

Life never turns out the way we expect it to, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.


I just keep thinking what if it would have been you on that rooftop.


We get to keep on living our lives and it’s only because he’s dead.


The only career that you've made is collecting disciples to protect you from the world so that you can play God.


Lead your unit. The beat you set is the one they’ll follow.


The only thing I know about bad luck is that it's got to be over come .


Shades of Blue Season 1 Quotes

Harlee: How much do you want to know?
Woz: How much do I need to know?

It happened so slowly I didn't realize and so quickly I never saw it coming.
