You joined Section 31 to keep a brutish universe on its knees, Captain. To maintain order by any means necessary. Your evolution, our evolution, is not a desecration of that post but its very fulfillment.


Leland: I am my own man.
Command: A man who has demonstrated with his every action a willingness to operate from several different truths simultaneously which has allowed you to make questionable moral decisions while avoiding the destructive power of human guilt. You believe in the ends more than the means.

You woke. That was sooner than expected.


Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Leland: I am my own man.
Command: A man who has demonstrated with his every action a willingness to operate from several different truths simultaneously which has allowed you to make questionable moral decisions while avoiding the destructive power of human guilt. You believe in the ends more than the means.

You woke. That was sooner than expected.
