I don't think you understand just how much it sucked to be your kid.


Oh, you were so noble then. Save the outcast. Rescue the forgotten. You were so easy.


Murder is not justice. There is no solace in revenge.


Look at the math of it, is all I'm saying. You found her once. Odds are you'll do it again.


Seven: After they brought you back from your time in the Collective, did you honestly feel that you regained your humanity?
Picard: Yes.
Seven: All of it?
Picard: No. But we're both working on it, aren't we?
Seven: Every damned day of my life.

B'Jaysel: Well, frankly, I was surprised when you left. I thought you'd bet on shooting your way out.
Seven: I am.
B'Jaysel: How sentimental of you then.

Picard still thinks there's a place in the galaxy for mercy. I didn't want to disillusion him. Somebody out here ought to have a little hope.


They're perfect. Perfectly imperfect.


I wish you knew what I know. I wish I didn't know what I know.

Dr. Jurati

Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Picard: You're well?
Seven: I'm... functional.

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