Spock: There appears to be an incoming warp signal heading our way fast. The signal has Klingon encryption.
Una: The last thing anyone wants is singing Klingons.

Pike: What are the odds we could shut down the improbability field before the Klingons get here?
Spock: Not good. At least according to the data we have.
Pike: Then find new data. You both need to fix this. You’re applying old rules to a new reality. I suggest you find a different tempo fast.

Uhura: That was just a solo with backup vocals. Maybe four voices, max? So we need to do that again but with more, a lot more.
Pike: You mean, like an ensemble number?
Uhura: Not just an ensemble number. A grand finale. We need melodies and harmonies with tone ratios that achieve both algorithmic and logarithmic balance on a mass scale.

You see the connections between us when all we see are the empty spaces.


Do you know the odds of all of us being here on the Enterprise at this time? It’s improbable, and yet here we are. Together. All of us.


Our security is only as strong as our unity.


I promise you even Julia Child’s boeuf bourguignon itself will not make me forget that you sang about lying to me.


When I’m back, we’ll go somewhere we both want to go. But no camping, unless it comes with room service.


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Pelia: Have you tried sending music through?
Spock: We have not. Do you believe music may yield a different result?
Pelia: Well, you are trying to communicate through a medium with different laws of physics so perhaps fundamental harmonics are the answer.

Chapel: What if it’s another rejection?
Ortegas: Forget those Vulcans and their Science Academy. They don’t deserve you.
Chapel: But this fellowship is different. Dr. Korby’s a genius.
Ortegas: I’m supposed to know who that is?
M’Benga: He’s the Louis Pasteur of archeological medicine.
Ortegas: Yeah, no. Still means nothing.