Maybe your age is catching up to your legendary hard on.


Oscar: Looks like you got away with it. You know what I just realized? I could tell your wife.
Noah: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oscar: Yeah you do. I'll tell you what. How about ten grand to make sure Helen never finds out.
Noah: Are you kidding me?
Oscar: It's a little something I just thought of.
Noah: I don't have that kind of money.
Oscar: Yeah? Well, I think you can get it. So I'll give you a week and then I'll tell her. Have a safe trip. I have your cell.

See? That's what happens when you don't apologize for 50 years.


Why do you keep denying my reality?


Cole: What do you want me to do? We're a hundred k in the hole right now. How am I going to make that money if I don't sell the rest of that shit?
Alison: Sell the ranch.
Cole: What?
Alison: Sell it. Let's be honest, Cole. We're miserable here.

All this time I thought you were in mourning. You wanted to fuck someone, Bailey, you could have fucked me. It didn't have to be some married yuppie summer slut.


Do you think me being her with you is an accident? This is a choice.


Martin I gotta ask you something and it's important so I need you to be homest with me. Have you had breakfast yet?


Noah: I trusted you. I put my whole life into your hands.
Alison: Noah, you're tired. Go home and get some rest. I'll call you later.

Oscar: Fuckin' dealers man.
Noah: Who?
Oscar: The Lockharts. The own that ranch out towards the lighthouse? It's a front. They're as dirty as dirt. Their great grandfather ran a bootleg operation. It's fuckin' hereditary. Put that in your book. Use their names.

You sure do have a knack for making new friends.


Helen: I feel old. Do I look old?
Noah: You look incredible. I look old.
Helen: Am I still a great lay?
Noah: Are you kidding? You're the best lay.

The Affair Season 1 Quotes

Noah: I, I was a happy man back then. Proud of my family. My first book had just come out. Everything I dreamed I'd achieve as a young man, I'd done it.
Det; Jeffries: But.
Noah: That's just it. There is no but. When I look back, I can't tell you why it happened.

Noah: When's she going to college?
Helen: Twelve years.