Sometimes, Laszlo, there are words spoken between people that are to be left private.

Moore [to Kreizler]

People aren't ready for this new, high-falutin' form of investigation. They just want this son of a bitch caught. It would scare the people if they found out that an alienist could figure this out before their police department could.

Morgan [to Roosevelt]

Marcus: Do you think we'll see any buffalo in North Dakota?
Lucius: If they haven't all been killed.
Marcus: How about Indians?
Lucius: If they haven't all been killed.

Early: I seen what was done to them.
Sara: And what was done to them?
Early: Butchered. Like hogs.

I'm not entirely insensitive to the hidden currents between people.

Roosevelt [to Sara]

What's gotten into [Mary]?

Cyrus [to Stevie]

Adam Drury didn't want his parents' house. Nobody did. I don't blame them. It's full of ghosts.

Eliza [to Sara]

Let me tell you how this city is run, you stupid Mick. We serve the rich, and in return, they raise us above the primordial filth. And God help us if we don't keep up our end of the bargain.


You are fighting a monster, one that stretches from Millionaires Mile all the way down to Mulberry Street. And if you're not careful, it will devour you long before you find your child killer.

Kelly [to Kreizler]

Please don't look at me like that, or at each other.

Sara [to the Isaacsons]

Don't worry, Chief. He won't be found. I took care of it.

Connor [to Byrnes]

Stop it! Stop! We ain't gonna find no one like this.

Stevie [to Moore and Kreizler]

The Alienist Season 1 Quotes

Moore: Why must you call him 'it'?
Conner: What else should you call a degenerate who dresses himself as a girl for the pleasure of grown men?

John: What can't possibly wait, Stevie?
Stevie: He said he needs you.