In two weeks I am marrying the love of my life.


This whole thing is going to blow up in our faces.


I will always credit IHM for changing my life.

Julie Woolth

You're nobody in this town unless you have twins.


Kyle: We signed a contract.
Megan: Yeah, so you could have a robot on your arm with no ambition.

The biggest problem is that I just outright lied to the person I love and it was easy.


Am I the only one who's worried about the huge mess we're about to have on our hands.


Never count on anything, right. Never think you know. I can't believe I let myself go there.


You're the only person who makes me feel safe anymore.

Lisbeth [to Terence]

Put energy into IHM, and IHM puts energy into you.


I love you, Kyle.


Nobody's narrative is easy. We all make choices that complicate our past but healing is about confronting who we are, working through it and learning to forgive ourselves.


The Arrangement Season 2 Quotes

Burning this place down is going to take time. And patience.


Kyle: What's wrong?
Megan: I'm having my period.
Kyle: Is it wrong I don't care?