Becca: I know what you're doing.
Homelander: No, you don't.
Becca: Yes, I do! I can see...
Homelander: NO, you do not! You cannot possibly understand. I was raised the same way as him . That kid doesn't know anything about anything. When he sees the outside world, he is going to panic. And that is going to fuck him up. I do not want my son to have to go through what I went through.

You didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Lenny?! You're the reason he's dead.


Hughie: You're not the cuck. I'm the cuck.
Lamplighter: Actually, you're worse. You're the cuck fluffer.

Look, this isn't healthy. You can't watch porn while the sun's out.


Victoria: Oppositions gonna have a field day with him. Disgruntled ex Supe? I am fairly sure he's fucked half the Sacred Heart cheerleading squad. But yeah, he'll be a good witness. It's not enough, though.
Butcher: Not enough? If torturin' and burnin' a bunch of mentals on Vought's say-so ain't enough for you muppets, then what the fuck are you good for, huh? A strongly-worded Tweet?

I am counting on YOU to show us the way. Don't let me down.


Cheri: Awww. You're sensitive.
Frenchie: No! Those saucy ladies, they made their own family, so I did what they did.

Never go into shark infested waters without chum.


Hey! Tell Butcher about the thick penis around your neck!


Brave Maeve Pride Bars because you can't be proud on an empty stomach.


Frenchie: The bachelor party I will throw you! What's your stance about transgender strippers?
MM: Strippers ain't really my kind of Hershey's, with or without nuts.

MM: That's his fuckin' dick.
Frenchie: Don't be so closed minded.

The Boys Season 2 Quotes

Homelander: Hey, guys, um, I just have one question if that's OK.
Ashley: Yeah.
Homelander: Yeah?
Ashley: Yeah.
Homelander: Alright. So, what happens if I do, uh, I don't know, I do this. [boxes Blindspot's ears] And now, you're just another useless fuckin' blind guy. This must be some kind of a joke. Ashleyyyy, what made you think I'd ever allow a cripple into The Seven?

Starlight: Hey, get some sleep.
Hughie: I'll sleep when I know you're safe.