Arman: You did it.
Thony: No, we did it. If it hadn’t been for you bring us here…

Marco: This place isn’t home. It’s a prison and you deserve it!
Chris: Shut up Marco!
Marco: This is none of your business.
Chris: Yeah it is. Don’t talk to her that way, not in our home.

I don’t want someone representing my son that doesn’t give a crap, so give me my money back, or I will take you to court for charging me for services that were never rendered or don’t even exist.


It’s nothing to do with the bureau. She’s on Homeland Security’s watch after that stunt you played with your ICE raid.

Agent Russo

I’m putting his needs first. Luca needs a calm and stable environment to heal. I can’t risk you wrecking that. I’ve had enough. I think we both have.


Thony: So much has happened in Vegas I want to forget.
Arman: Well, not everything I hope?
Thony: No, not everything.

Thony: You’re an addict, Marco. Even if you had won all that money, I wouldn’t want it.
Marco: But you have no problem taking money from a gangster, do you? I’m Luca’s father. I’m not going to have some other man taking care of my kid or my wife.

I was right about one thing. It was a mistake for you to come to Vegas. I think you should go back home.


You think giving surgery to someone with more money is ethical? If my son dies, you don’t want to meet the man I came here with.


You don’t know how bad it was before we came here. We almost lost our home because he gambled away the money for the mortgage and didn’t tell me. Our car got repossessed. Our friends stopped talking to us because he borrowed money and never paid them back.


Do you really think that throwing some money at a sick little boy makes you a good man? You might think you want to go legit, but you love this life, the titles, the money, the power. You’ll never be satisfied as a common man. Think about that before you throw away everything we have.


Marco: What is it? Before you left, things were getting better. We were working things out.
Thony: We were still sleeping in separate beds.
Marco: Not all the time.