Diane: Wow, I’m surprised Mr. Pike didn’t accuse Kurt of being responsible for 9/11.
Madeline: Certainly, you have a better joke than that.
Diane: No, this isn't a joke to me. Dylan Pike will say anything to reduce his sentence.
Madeline: I do consider his statement with some skepticism, and the only way to get to the truth is with a grand jury. A subpoena has a tendency to sharpen the senses.
Diane: Odd you don’t have a musical cue for that.
Madeline: Hold on. Oops, that’s not right. I can always subpoena you, Kurt.

Diane: That’s bad, David as our boss.
Liz: Yeah, but I have a worse worry.
Diane: OK.
Liz: We were griping about our new client, and two minutes later, David Lee comes running down the stairs to talk to us. That’s quite a coincidence.
Diane: You think he bugged your office?
Liz: I don’t know. You know him better than I do. Would he do something like that?
Diane: Oh yeah.
Liz: Great. So what do we do?
Diane: Have Jay look for bugs at night when we can hide it from David.
Liz: Oh god, if we actually spent this much time lawyering, we’d be Supreme Court justices by now.

Marissa: I can’t do it. I’m sorry.
Wackner: Why not?
Marissa: My boss said no. You don’t need me anyway. Let me connect you with a real lawyer.
Wackner: Marissa, listen to me. I asked you for a reason. You know just enough not to crush what I’m doing here. A real lawyer will look for reasons why not. I need someone to look for reasons why.
Marissa: I can find you someone.
Wackner: I don’t want someone.

I have to admit I’m baffled. How can it be that Chumhum gets away with something any newspaper would go under for doing? Unfortunately, the law is the law. It may be unfair, but it is the constitution. Section 230 stands, and the statute ties my hands.

Judge Friend

Liz: You’re representing Craig Wolf-Coleman?
Carmen: I think I am.
Liz: Did you pursue him?
Carmen: Of course not.
Liz: You know what he’s accused of?
Carmen: Yes, I looked over the case last night.
Liz: And it doesn’t bother you?
Carmen: I don’t understand. Should it?
Liz: Carmen, is there anyone you would not represent?
Carmen: Wouldn’t? I don’t understand. Is there someone you don’t want me to represent?
Liz: No, I’m just trying to get a sense of who you are. Is there anyone? Someone?
Carmen: Alan Dershowitz.
Liz: Why?
Carmen: I don’t know. Don’t like him.
Liz: OK, all right, here’s what I want. As your mentor, I’m going to help you with the Craig Wolf-Coleman case.
Carmen: Thank you.
Liz: And I want us to keep talking about your career path.
Carmen: Are you worried about me?
Liz: I don’t know what I am about you.

Diane: What can I do for you, sir?
Wackner: I want to hire you.
Diane: You want to?
Wackner: Hire you, your firm. I did my research, and I’m willing to pay your retainer.
Diane: Are you being sued?
Wackner: No, I’m creating a courtroom, and I need to know the best way to do it.
Diane: We don’t do that, sir.
Wackner: But you do try to make money.
Diane: We do.
Wackner: I’m willing to pay money. I looked online. One of your services is consultation on legal issues. Your website is incredibly insistent on that. Well, I need consultation, and I’m willing to pay.
Diane: Mr. Wackner, I don’t like what you’re doing.
Wackner: And I’m not trying to convince you. I’m using your skepticism, and the incentive of capitalism to acquire your services to perfect my little clubhouse of the law. I want you and I want Marissa to help me.
Diane: Our retainer is not… it’s sizable.
Wackner: I got money.
Diane: Why are you doing this, sir? It’s not going to benefit you.
Wackner: It’s odd. I might talk for a while, so just let me. Since the ‘80s, people have been discussing everything, ‘cause if it’s built on, what can benefit or disadvantage. You remember a time before that? People used to want to write the great American novel and not sell out. Build a beach sculpture, fly to Ecuador, help people. Do you remember the last time you heard those words ‘Peace Corps?’ I do. I want a new Peace Corps for America.
Diane: I’ll have downstairs draw up a retainer agreement.

The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Benjamin: I don’t understand. Who are you?
Carmen: Carmen Moyo.
Benjamin: No, no, why are you important?
Carmen: I don’t think that I am.
Benjamin: Then why do I have my top client asking for you?
Carmen: Who’s that?
Benjamin: Mr. Wolf-Coleman.
David Lee: Your client is Wolf-Coleman? What does he need?
Benjamin: Last night the police searched his home for any evidence of rape. They believe they found something, and Mr. Wolf-Coleman wanted me to contact Carmen Moyo to represent him, so how did that happen?
Carmen: Is your client an acquaintance of Oscar Rivi?
Benjamin: The drug dealer, no.
Carmen: Is your client currently at Minard Correctional?
Benjamin: He was, yes. Why?
Carmen: I’m representing Mr. Rivi.

Marissa: Things should get better, right? Something other than paperwork.
Carmen: Law of averages.