So she should have gone to a fraternity instead of FIT.


If I get it you have to drink it. If I don't get it, I have to drink. That's how I'm gonna play it.


I mean, this is more like frat guys getting wasted than a lovely drinks party with the ladies.


Sonja: Luann, do you have my vibrator i asked you to get me?
Leah: Are you going to masturbate for everybody?

There are nights where I really miss drinking. Tonight is not one of those nights.


After 24 hours, we've already gotten her to drink.


I was never a trophy wife! I'm not arm candy, I don't shave my pussy.


You proclaim you love me, but I know that's not true. Good night ... from the lower level.


Sonja: Just because we're in a $30 million...
Ramona: $39 million.
Sonja: Like a $39 million bitch.

Sonja: We would never have sex. That's a dealbreaker for me.
Leah: Honey, you don't have with men with tattoos?
Sonja: Never.

I'm always last on the totem pole when it comes to rooms when we go on vacations together. The lack of Ramona's consideration is just mindblowing.


Give me a break, a basement is a basement. It's like putting me in the attic and calling it the penthouse.


The Real Housewives of New York City Season 12 Quotes

I feel abandoned all over again, my daughter's just gone off to college, and now I don't have Bethenny. It's a lot.


Tinsley: She never said anything about not being back.
Ramona: To me that's an F you. I'm sorry, it's an F you.