I've been telling everybody that what we need is more spreadsheets.

If you can't acknowledge your part in your failures, you can't face it, Mom.

Paul: I came back to see my kids.
Ellen: Oh, did you get bored of running away from them?

I have to say you've grown on me, like a barnicle or a fungus.

If we're going to do this, sit down. I've had enough of you hovering over me for one life.

Danny [to Ellen]

Sarah: I'm kind of avoiding [Weston] at the moment.
A.J.: Oh, trouble in Smallville?

You're not a criminal. You're an outlaw. It's way cooler.

Danny: You can't be that naive, Sarah.
Sarah: I didn't come to tell you [Ellen's] sober. I came to tell you she's back.

I wanted to come home to surprise you although it turns out I'm the one who's surprised.

Ellen [to Sarah]

Corinne: Did you ...
Adam: Did I tell him about your affair with Danny Cooper?
Corinne: No. Did you eat?

My dad and my boyfriend are talking. I think it's safe to say that's the real natural disaster.

Sarah: One more time, Danny, can you walk us through the heist?
Danny: It is not a heist. It is a group of concerned citizens borrowing some equipment.

The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Quotes

Sarah: Someone I know kept crashing into me in the pit last night.
Grover: It's a punk show. You're supposed to go home sore.
Sarah: I'm not complaining. You can crash into me whenever you want.

A.J.: What time did you get home last night.
Sarah: Does 6 a.m. still count as last night?
A.J.: Somebody had a fun evening.