Colter: I didn't go to college.
Bobby: Wait, for real?
Colter: No. The education system is designed to weed out people who are independent. People who think for themselves. Won't surrender to the system.

Irene: I don't like doing this, you know? I just do it because Chuck makes me.
Colter: Now's your chance to prove it by doing the right thing. You're going to help me find Blake.

I know all about family secrets. I do. But if there's something, anything that you have that might help me find your son, you should tell me.

Colter [to Polly]

Colter: That guy that came looking, he give you anything else?
Reenie: Yeah, bad vibes.

Reenie: Whatever. Just get ready to get schooled, Colter Shaw.
Colter: I'm looking forward to it.

Colter: Well, I was just, observing that for such a busy lawyer, you are sure out of the office a lot.
Reenie: Well, the office is kind of boring. And this is not so much.
Colter: So you're using me to play hooky from work?
Reenie: This is work. It's called field work.

Maeve: You have no idea what it's like to answer for the sins of your family.
Colter: Actually, I do.

Detective Brock: You afraid of ghosts?
Colter: Nah. Too much of a cynic. Besides, with all the bad people in the world, who has time for ghosts?

Teddi: This is why I don't like cold cases.
Colter: You didn't see his face when he was talking about her. I think, at the very least, maybe I can give him some closure.

Toby: I told the cops everything. They just looked at me like I was crazy. But I'm not.
Colter: No, I think when someone believes in something strongly, it can be very powerful.
Toby: I'm not making this up.
Colter: I didn't day that you were.

Detective Brock: What exactly are you looking for?
Colter: Trying to get a picture of Lana's state of mind before she disappeared.

Colter: What now?
Daniella: Now I find your fiance.

Tracker Season 1 Quotes

Mark: Can you get him out?
Colter: Aside from forcibly removing him, if Jackson doesn't want to leave, there's really nothing I can do.
Mark: All we're asking is that you try. You don't strike me as a man to give up so easily.
Colter: No, sir, I'm not.

Colter: Bobby.
Bobby: Rebecca Smith. Smith? Are you kidding me? There's like a million results.
Colter: Oh, good, you got my text.