William: My friend. My friend wanted to see what was at the end of all this.
Lawrence: Your friend didn't make it. And yet, here you are. Maybe you got more of an appetite for this than you think.

Theresa: Do you really think the board will stand for this?
Ford [chuckles]: The board will do nothing. Our arrangement is too valuable to them. They test me every now and then. I think they enjoy the sport of it. This time they sent you. Sadly, in order to restore things, the situation requires a blood sacrifice.

All my life I've prided myself on being a survivor. Being a survivor is just another loop. I'm getting out of here, and you two are going to help me.


But the gods. They require a blood sacrifice. We need to demonstrate just how dangerous Ford's creations can be.


The longer I work here, the more I think I understand the hosts. It's the human beings that confuse me.


Theresa: What's behind this door?
Bernard: What door?

Theresa: What is this Bernard?
Bernard: It doesn't look like anything to me.
Ford: They cannot see the things that will hurt them. I spare them that. Their lives are blissful. They are free from the burdens of self doubt.

William: You remember the look on Logan's face when we left him behind? Do you know how long I've wanted to do that? To let him know what I think of him? And you. Last night. I never felt that way before. Not with any woman. You've unlocked something in me.
Dolores: I'm not a key, William. I'm just me.

I've been pretending my whole life. Pretending I don't mind, pretending I belong. My life's built on it. And it's a good life; it's the life I've always wanted. But then I came here, and I get a glimpse for a second of a life in which I don't have to pretend, of a life in which I can be truly alive. How can I go back to pretending when I know what this feels like?


You're telling us that these hosts have been responding to a grudge?


I'm not one. I can't be. My wife, my son. They're real. My poor boy.


I used to think this place was all about pandering to your baser instincts. Now I understand It doesn't cater to your lower self, it reveals your deepest self; it shows you who you really are.


Westworld Season 1 Quotes

The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities.


Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
