He did awful things. He was a terrible man, but I promise you, he isn’t anymore. He paid for what he did, and he’s done good for this town. There is something even more powerful than acceptance, Rosaleen. Forgiveness.


Elizabeth, rusty is for nails, not choirs. Thank you just the same.


Mr. Hunter: Now you're saying this lady is supposed to be a pharmacist? What is wrong with this town?!
Mike: Nothing is wrong with this town, and I'm not a doctor. She is!
Mr. Hunter: [laughs] Good one, Doc.
Faith: I think I need to have a word with my patient. I'll tell you what's not funny. When you came in here, you were barely breathing, possibly hours away from death. You had low blood pressure, you were dehydrated, and you were probably dangerously anemic. Now, how do I know this? Because I am a good doctor, and I am your doctor. Now let me help you, and let Miss Sou help you because she is a good pharmacist.
Mike: And how about showing a little gratitude?
Mr. Hunter: I'm sorry, Miss Doctor.
Mike: Uh uh.
Mr Hunter: And Miss Pharmacist. Thank you both.

Bill: Do you think you can give me a hand loadin' this stuff up?
Nathan: Anything for love.
Bill: Love? Who said anything about love?

Rosaleen: [after spotting Henry] He's still here?
Molly: Time has changed him. He's not the same man.
Rosaleen: He left Dad and the other miners behind in that mine. Nothing will ever change that.

Joseph: Lee, there is something I want to talk to you about.
Lee: You know, it's funny you mention that because there's something I want to talk to you about, too.
Joseph: Oh?
Lee: Yeah. How would a partnership in Coulter Lumber sound to you? You and me, runnin' the show together.
Joseph: Lee, that's so generous. I, I don't know what to say.
Lee: Joseph, look. There's nobody that I would rather be partners with. [they shake hands and hug]

He was very mean to Faith. He doesn't think a woman can be a doctor.


Elizabeth: I know it's you behind the scholarship.
Henry: Lucas.
Elizabeth: You need to tell Rosaleen.
Henry: I'm just tryin' to do something good here, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I appreciate that. What are you afraid of?
Henry: That if she knows it came from me, that she will not accept it. And I need her to be OK more than I need forgiveness.

Faith: Nathan, nothing's changed since we last tried -- with us. I know that you're trying, and I appreciate that. There's something in the way. There has always been. I wish things could be different, but they're not.
Nathan: Faith, I'm - I don't know what's wrong with me.
Faith: There's nothing wrong with you. It's just the way it is. I've missed having you as a friend.
Nathan: I miss that, too.
Faith: We're good that way. You make me laugh, and I like your dog.
Nathan: Really? I guess I like him, too. Yeah. So, um, where do we go from here?
Faith: Back to the way things were.
Nathan: I'd love that.

It’s not just me who will want answers. Our daughter deserves to know her grandmother is as well.


Cooper: All everybody talks about is how the tourists have a right to be up there.
Angela: But a lot of people have benefitted from the tourists, including our parents.

Lucas: Compromise is just a negotiation. Each side needs to feel like they’re getting what they want. You want time at the hot springs. How much time will you settle for?
Toby: A few hours a day and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Allie: Toby, the tourists won’t agree to that!
Lucas: You don’t know what they’ll agree to, but don’t show them your cards. Find out what the tourists will agree to before you tell them what you will agree to. That way, they can’t lowball you.

When Calls the Heart Season 10 Quotes

Rosemary: See? I told you we could save money! Those cherries in the cherry cobbler aren't cherries at all.
Lee: Dare I ask?
Rosemary: They're prunes!
Lee: Prunes?
Rosemary: Soaked in beet juice. Half the price of cherries. Such a clever little recipe. I got a cookbook a the swap meet.
Lee: Prunes soaked in beet juice. Very resourceful, sweetheart.

Allie: Oh my gosh. Did we get a dog?
Nathan: No! And don't get attached. He's got more attitude than you do.
Allie: [petting Scout]: Oh, riiight. So much attitude.