Frankie: We're going to have them give you Will's heart.
Standish: OK, cool. Doesn't he need it though?

Susan: You have an idea. Is this an idea face?
Frankie: It's an idea face.
Susan: I love idea face.

Standish: Move Bitch!
Susan and Frankie: Get out the way!

Susan: Jai, don't you dare lose him.
Jai: Not gonna happen.

Jai, you gotta stop bugging people.


I'm sure you're from some nice place called Caucasian Corners or WASPington.


Will: That stun gas of yours.. does it do any permanent damage?
Jai: Can you taste everything?
Will: No.
Jai: You should be fine.

I grew up in this really small town in India called none of your damn business!


Will: I can't believe you shot me.
Frankie: Oh suck it up, you said it was OK.

I would be an asset to you, and you know it. I don't care who I work for as long as the checks clear.


The Trust isn't just planning one attack. It's planning dozens.


Ray: If I had my gun I would've shot him in his smug face.
Frankie: Damn, Ray. First time you looked attractive.

Whiskey Cavalier Season 1 Quotes

Alex: This is the FBI, there are no private moments. Look, we all know this is a pretty rough breakup.
Will: Well it wasn't that bad.
Alex: Son, we have the footage.

Hello, Dr.Conrad. Very punctual. I like that in a traitor.
