Joe: Beck, just tell me. Tell me. Tell me the truth, and we can get through anything. If you can't tell me then show me. Show me your phone.
Beck: Are you serious right now?
Joe: You told me yourself you have a hard time with good guys.
Beck: What are you talking about?
Joe: The hootsie stuff.
Beck: OK, you wanna see my phone? Have at it, but if you do this, that means there is absolutely no trust between us, and if we don't have trust we have nothing. Do you trust me?

I wanted to be wrong. I never wanted to be wrong so badly in my life. I was begging to be proven wrong. But it was looking like I was right. You trust someone. You give them your heart, and what do they do? Is there even a punishment that fits the crime of lying, of manipulating like this? Of breaking someone's heart? I guess I'm bad at picking good people, but I'm good at catching bad people red-handed.

Joe Voiceover

I think there are two of you. Two Paul Browns. One has been hurt in the past, felt betrayed and hopeless, but the other one has faith in spite of the evidence to the contrary. He believes true love exists, and that is someone I think I can help.

Dr. Nicky

Everything I do. I do to protect you, Beck. Peach, Benji, they left me no choice. They were dangerous. I think you might be in danger again, but I need absolute truth first. In these days, the quickest way to find a man's truth is through his computer, and if I find what I'm looking for, Dr. Nicky will be handled.

Joe Voiceover

I need space to heal, but every time I turn around, you're standing there ready to make it all go away, but only I can do that. And if you really love me, you'll see that. You'll let me go.


I was wrong about all of it. The only thing I wasn't wrong about was loving you. So I'm letting you go.

Joe Voiceover

Love isn't a strong enough word. Sometimes it scares me to love someone so completely and not have them love you back.


Some people have a hard time letting love in. Some people are built for love. Some people -- some people are searching -- searching for someone who can love them the way they deserve. That's you.


Are you going to leave Beck alone or will she end up like me?


YOU Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I always had trouble with that kind of thing; the whole good guy versus bad boy bit.


Joe: That month after the funeral it was intimate -- real. It just made us more. But then over the next few weeks, something happened. Couldn't tell you the exact point things went wrong between us, but wrong they have gone.
Nicky: So that's why you're here in therapy? You're trying to figure out why your relationship went south?
Joe: Oh, it didn't just go south. It's over, and I want to know why.