Kelsey: It's amazing the things you'll do to live your dream, right Liza?
Liza: Oh, right.

Josh, your generation didn't invent anal sex, you just invented talking about it all the time.


Kelsey: You stabbed me in the back!
Redmond: No. I made a deal. You overshared.

Kelsey: Hmmm. What looks good?
Liza: I don't know. I've never bought a bathing suit out of a vending machine before, let alone one that also sells condoms.

Josh: You know, this whole time, we've kind of been committing adultery.
Liza: Oh. I hope I still find you attractive now that you're not my...what's the male equivalent for mistress?
Josh: I don't know...side piece?
Liza: Ohhhh, I like that.

Liza: You can just put it in his dock.
Diana: Oh, I think the whole point of this is so he can put it in mine.

Liza: Oh! I have out of the office lunch plans today.
Diana: Liza, never interrupt my moment with your plans.

Rhada: Oh. You two again. I hope you don't mind I'm taking him home.
Liza: No. He's yours to take.

I don't fly in a lesbian flock. I'm more of a lone owl.


Liza: I lay on the bed quivering, my hands quivering over my panties. I could feel my woman pulse throbbing through the lace, and as I slid my fingers inside towards the place no man could ever fully penetrate, I felt my flower fully begin to blossom...
Liza/Moore: release, to burst open, to explode.
Moore: I am Aubrey Alexis! I am Aubrey Alexis! YES! I AM AUBREY ALEXIS!
Kelsey: I am Aubrey Alexis!
Charles: I am Aubrey Alexis!
Diana: I am Aubrey Alexis!

Charles: Gwyneth had a *what*?
Redmond: A vagina steaming incident.
Charles: No, I *heard* it, I just wish I could *unhear* it.

Now Gawker is claiming Lena Dunham is Aubrey Alexis! We've already seen her slippery oyster on HBO Go. Don't they know the woman has nothing left to hide?


Younger Season 3 Quotes

I'm not sure which is more stressful, being a bride or a widow.


Diana: That's a beautiful tie, by the way.
Charles: Thank you. The salesgirl who picked it out really gets me.