Jackson: What if these mutations are not about the survival of one species, but the destruction of another?
Jamie: Meaning...us.

Jackson: They're all male.
Abraham: Are you sure?
Jackson: If you want to count rodent penises, be my guest.
Abraham: I'll take your word for it.

Mitch: So, how are you feeling?
Clem: Not bad for a dead girl.
Mitch: You know, you really shouldn't call yourself that.
Clem: Why not? That's what the other kids call me.

At the risk of sounding overly girly, this is all really, really, really disgusting.


Clem: You do know I'm still at the age where I would play with a doll, right? A doll would have been fine.
Mitch: Duly noted.

You don't have to do this. You're right, it's dangerous. But more importantly; if you were to come under attack by bears, I would be rooting for the bears.


When we were living together, I was always the one who had to kill the spiders.


Be good to my sister. Better than you were to me.


Jamie: So basically, you're looking for a fingerprint, chemically speaking?
Mitch: Look at you, getting all science-y!

You don't know me, but you're going to want to listen very carefully to what I have to say.


The man you are is not worth the man that I would have to be to kill you.


You hide behind logic, you think emotions are weak, but it's all a defense. Please don't pretend that it's not.
