Counterpart Multi-Show

17 Characters With The Best Alter Egos

17 Characters With The Best Alter Egos

As their regular selves, these Characters are well-liked but sometimes they display a different side to them that we sometimes wish would stick around for a while longer.
Posted in: The Flash
17 Finales That Really KILLED

17 Finales That Really KILLED

Finales can be real killer episodes. Here are some of the shows that saw characters exit with finality this season. Which deaths were huge surprises? Sad but expected? Long overdue?
Posted in: Mary Kills People

Counterpart Quotes

Howard, why do you think I brought you in on this? For your great tactical skill, your great knowledge of this whole fuckin' thing? I need to pretend to be you, take Baldwin out myself.


I have a new book. 'You, you, only you exist.'
