Good Girls Multi-Show

These Cancellations Still Haunt Us

These Cancellations Still Haunt Us

Shows get canceled every season, but some hit you harder than others. We've compiled a list of some of the cancellations that have haunted us the most of the years!
Posted in: Multi-Show
The Best & Worst TV Finales of 2021

The Best & Worst TV Finales of 2021

Over the course of 2021 we said good-bye to many television shows. Read on to find out which ones did or did not go out in a blaze of glory.
Posted in: YOU
13 TV Shows That Need To Crossover

13 TV Shows That Need To Crossover

When you're a TV fanatic you love A LOT of different shows. Who else wants them all to come together so your favorite television characters can meet?
Posted in: YOU
19 Times Love Unleashed Evil

19 Times Love Unleashed Evil

Love doesn't always change a person for the better. We created a list of 19 characters who abandoned their conscience for the person that they loved.
Posted in: Arrow

Good Girls Quotes

You're like a Stepford mom without a pulse.

Annie [to Beth]

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.