On The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 15, Laura and her team investigate the recent murder of a nanny who was also moonlighting as an escort.

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When you watch The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 15 online you will get an inside look at how high tech the world of escorts has gotten. While investigating the recent murder of a woman named Viviana it leads the team to a penthouse where they find out she was working as a nanny and the boy is missing. Thankfully he is found quickly and is with his father who is brought in for questioning but isn't able to provide any information on the case. When Laura talks with the some he is able to give them a clue as to where Viviana may have gone, her gym. Meredith investigates the locker and finds out Viviana was also working as an escort through the nanny service. They go and interview another nanny who is able to provide the website and information about a mixer they girls have so men can chose who they want. At the mixer they encounter a man who was engaged to Viviana and when they bring him in they find out he never knew she was an escort until he found a review website where all her sexual exploits were reviewed by the various men she slept with and he was at the mixer to get his ring back. Through the website the team is able to see a pattern of the same type of reviews on Viviana's profile and it leads them to a woman named Charlotte. Charlotte is an ex of one of Viviana's clients and she was following her the day she was murdered and took video of her getting into a car minutes before she was murdered. Laura immediately knows who the killer is; it turns out Viviana was blackmailing the man at the Brazilian consulate and he murdered her so he wouldn't go to prision in Brazil.

Episode Details

On The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 15, Laura and her team investigate the recent murder of a nanny who also moonlights as an escort.

Rating: 3.6 / 5.0 (8 Votes)
The Mysteries of Laura
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