Watch The Odd Couple Season 1 Episode 9 online to see a very sleep deprived Felix do some crazy things in his sleep that could come back to haunt him.

CBS All Access

Watch The Odd Couple Season 1 Episode 9 online now to see Felix and Oscar sneak into his ex-wife's house in order to retrieve Felix's favorite pillow. He needs the pilow because he hasn't been able to sleep and it's seriously starting to get to him. Let's just say there's a reason Oscar has his camera ready when he winesses Felix after taking a sleeping pill.
When Oscar and Felix go to retrieve the pillow, Oscar finds a photo album that causes a pretty major argument. The argument gets in the way of Oscar's interview with former NBA star Chris Webber, who makes a guest appearance. Why are they fighting and will they make up? Watch The Odd Couple Season 1 Episode 9 online now to find out!

Episode Details

On The Odd Couple Season 1 Episode 9, when they head to Ashley's to retrieve Felix's special pillow, a secret Felix has been keeping from Oscar comes out.

Rating: 2.4 / 5.0 (19 Votes)
The Odd Couple
Episode Number:

The Odd Couple Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Emily: Oh hey Oscar, did I wake you?
Oscar: No, I'm always up at this hour to milk the cows, make sure Ma is warming the griddle.

Felix: What else did I do? Was I also brushing my teeth for hours because the battery was totally run down?
Oscar: Yes, yes you were.