When you watch The Whispers Season 1 Episode 1 Online, you'll see what happens when children and their imaginary friend named Drill play a game.


Watch The Whispers Season 1 Episode 1 Online and try to understand why Harper would play a game that involves her mom falling to the ground from a tree house. Seroiusly small child, how did this game not come across as shady to you? Don't worry, Harper isn't the only kid who plays with Drill. A boy named Jackson played the game, but he couldn't win, meaning he died due to a bomb he was detonating. Drill's newest friend is Minx. He uses her to hack into her dad's computer and log onto the DOD mainframe. Minx's dad, Drill, is currently off in the Sahara desert trying to understand how an Air Force plane on a mission in the Arctic Circle ended up in petrified lightning in the Sahara Dessert. It gets better. The pilot of this plane is Sean Bennigan aka Agent Claire Bennigan's presumed dead husband. Claire is the FBI agent investigating Harper's case. She also had an affair with Wes. Oh, and Claire and Shawn's son Henry is Drill's latest friend.

Episode Details

On The Whispers Season 1 Episode 1, an imaginary friend named Drill enlists children to play a deadly game with him, causing the FBI to get involved.

Rating: 3.9 / 5.0 (18 Votes)
The Whispers
Episode Number:

The Whispers Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Mommy, you can wake up now. The game is over.


You know Drill, but you're not allowed to talk to him. He says you're it.
