13 Times Jonah Showed How Much He Loves Amy

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It's no secret that Jonah Simms is completely head over heels in love with Amy Sosa.

In fact, it's been obvious from the very first episode of the show. 

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But on the latest episode of Superstore, Amy and Jonah finally said "I love you," out loud, and after seasons of build-up, this calls for a celebration.

We created a slideshow below of 13 times Jonah showed how much he loves Amy. 

1. When he created a moment of beauty just for her

Yes, Jonah literally just met Amy that day and he was already a complete goner. He spent who knows how long sticking glow in the dark stars to the ceiling, just so she could experience a moment of beauty which she thought was too hard to find.

2. When he was literally willing to pay $2000 so she could win $100

Amy was stressed and low on cash, so Jonah naturally went against his morals and tried to convince a customer to spend $2000 at the store so their team could win a prize. He succeeded, but realized it was Amy's husband, and tried to buy it all himself.

3. When he found out she had a crush on him and forgot what words were

To this day, this is still the best crush confession in cinematic history. Jonah's shock and constant stuttering along with the employees' reactions made this scene perfect. In fact, he even forgot the name of his current girlfriend who was sitting right next to him. We felt bad for Kelly, but Jonah's always loved Amy above all else.

4. When she comes at him with a surprise kiss and he immediatly reciprocates

Jonah is completely helpless when it comes to Amy. Even though he realized what was happening and he was in a tough spot, it's Amy, so Jonah had to surrender to the kiss.

5. When he got caught up talking about how amazing she was

Jonah really just cannot contain himself when it comes to this girl. He started off trying to make her feel better about her marriage ending, and then just couldn't stop listing all the wonderful things about her. In fact, he got so caught up in it, he accidentally called her sexy. Oops.

6. When he just HAD to kiss her

After years of thinking he never had a chance, Jonah finally realized that Amy felt the same way about him. Once he had that knowledge, there was nothing stopping him from kissing her right there.

7. When he bribed a kid to get her favorite video game

These two idiots spent the entire workday climbing through tunnels, playing games, and searching for Amy's favorite video game. When they come up short at the end of their shifts, Jonah bribes a kid to get the game for her.

8. When he found out she hooked up with Tate

Jonah was so deflated after finding out Amy hooked up with Tate, that all he could do was sit there and stare at her with an anguished expression on his face. Yes, this is a sitcom and we said anguished. Poor guy.

9. When he couldn't wait to tell Garrett that Amy loves him

The topic of conversation was about Garrett letting Dina's birds loose, but Jonah just couldn't wait to tell Garrett about his and Amy's confession of love. Don't even get us started on the giant smile he had talking about it.

10. When he couldn't stop smiling when he went to kiss her

Jonah's face is the face of complete and utter happiness. Turns out being with Amy was all it took to make him glow.

11. When he was willing to go into thousands of dollars of credit card debt

Jonah was about to spend thousands of dollars on his credit cards just so Amy could have her baby in a nicer hospital. And he wasn't even the father. He was also there to help her the entire time she was in labor, while her ex-husband showed up when Amy was already delivering.

12. When he cheated in the costume contest for her

Let's be real, Amy didn't actually have a shot at winning. But Jonah had a hand in the votes and he was going to make sure she was happy.

13. When he spent the whole tornado comforting her

Despiting being terrified himself, Jonah spent the entire time being there for Amy and keeping her calm. He even saved her life when he pulled her into him and stopped a shelf from falling on her.

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Superstore Quotes

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.