Lucifer: 13 Times Trixie Stole Our Hearts With Her Cuteness

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We might not see Trixie on screen often, but when we do, she has our full attention.

Lucifer might have an aversion to her, but we sure don't. She's the cutest thing we've ever seen on TV.

Maybe Lucifer just needs a little more time, but we think he secretly adores her. And we can't wait to see more of them together.

How many times has Trixie stolen our hearts with her cuteness? Check below to find out!

If you haven't seen Trixie yet, you can watch Lucifer online to see all of her cuteness in action!


1. The New Doll

Trixie definitely has some diabolical undertones like when she destroyed her doll in hopes of getting a new one. Chloe didn't find it amusing even though Dan and Lucifer did. And we have to did we!

2. President of Mars

Trixie didn't want to be a princess for Halloween like her mom thought. What she really wanted to be was the President of Mars, and thanks to Maze she was! How cute were those martini glasses on her head?

3. Meeting Lucifer

Trixie had our hearts right from the beginning. When she met Lucifer it was classic Trixie as in could there be anything cuter? This little girl isn't afraid of anything. Not even the devil.

4. The Chocolate Cake Incident

We love chocolate cake just as much as Trixie. We loved when she denied eating the cake despite the evidence. What was even better was her telling Chloe that she was just taking Lucifer's advice that if you see something you want...take it!

5. Little Miss Independent

We're not exactly sure how she got to the Lux, but she did. What was even better was her instant connection to Maze. Is there anyone Trixie doesn't like?

6. A Little Princess

Even though she didn't want to be a princess for Halloween, we can't help but love how adorable Trixie looked in her gown. Whether she's the President of Mars or a princess, Trixie is the epitome of cute!

7. Lucifer is Her Favorite

Even though the feelings aren't mutual (maybe) we love that Trixie loves Lucifer. It's going to be great to see how she reacts to Lucifer and Chloe being a couple. Can you just imagine how big her smile will be?

8. A Great Negotiator

Remember when Maze dumped a naked Dan at Chloe's house? Trixie knew something strange was up and she wasn't about to let the moment go. Chocolate cake or else!

9. Asking the Right Questions

Trixie is a smart little cookie, but she's also incredibly innocent. She knows there's something special about Lucifer, and a magician sounds like a logical choice!

10. Adorable Clothes

Trixie is loving her new living arrangements. Maze is like a big sister to her and that has to be ultra cool! Just think of all the fashion advice Maze will give Trixie when she gets older! But for now, we love everything Trixie wears, especially her cute little heart sweater!

11. A Great Hugger

Our hearts exploded when she hugged Amenadiel at the hospital. Is there anything Trixie does that doesn't make us smile?

12. An Intuitive Mind

Trixie called a Lucifer and Chloe romance long before any of us did. What Trixie said surprised Chloe, but Trixie definitely knew what she was talking about.

13. An Exhausting Night

Was there anything more adorable than Trixie and Maze falling asleep together after an exhausting night of trick-or-treating and movie watching? We didn't think so.

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Lucifer Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we're tracking a serial killer.


I hate it when people fight over me.
