25 Top Broadcast Scripted Shows from the 2017-18 Season

Did your favorite show make the cut to be one of the top 25 scripted offerings on the broadcast networks during the 2017-2018 season? Read on to find out!

ABC at Midseason: What Will Get Renewed?

Will your favorite ABC shows get another season? Consider these ratings and then consider the future of these programs.

ABC Quotes

Aren’t we judged by how we treat people? I don’t mean as doctors. I mean as people. Especially those who don’t have the same advantages that we have. We hire Shaun and we give hope to those people with limitations that those limitations are not what they think they are. That they do have a shot! We hire Shaun and we make this hospital better for it. We hire Shaun and we are better people for it.

Dr. Aaron Glassman

Why were you rude to me when we first met then nicer to me the second time we met and now you want to be my friend? Which time was it that you were pretending?

Dr. Shaun Murphy